Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Flame Test

Malaysia Benson                                        11-5-13
H-23                                                        Chemistry

Flame Test Experiment
Purpose: To demonstrate and classify the characteristics of a chemical reaction.

Objective: Describe the difference between a physical and chemical change.

Data Table
Chemical Compounds:
Elements Involved:
Barium Chloride
Barium Green
Calcium Chloride
Calcium Orange
Lithium Chloride
Lithium Dark Pink
Potassium Chloride
Potassium Lilac
Sodium Chloride
Sodium Orange
Strontium Chloride
Strontium Scarlet
Aluminum Foil

Didn't use Copper, Lead, Antimony

Analysis Questions
1.) What indicators (at least 3) determine that a chemical change (or reaction) has occurred?

Indicators of a chemical change are the color changed, the 

gas given off, and the smell. 

2.) What is emitted when a chemical change takes place in the flame test?
The different colors the element gives off is emitted when a chemical change takes place in the flame test.

3.) What group, from the periodic table, do these elements exist?
Barium, Strontium, and Calcium are in the alkali earth metal group.Lithium, Sodium, and Potassium are in the alkali metal group.

4.) Do any two elements give the same spectrum of color? Explain why.
Calcium and Sodium give the same spectrum of color because they are both an orange color.

5.) Recall what a catalyst is in a chemical reaction.  What was the catalyst in these reactions?
A catalyst is a enzyme that speeds up a reaction without affecting the reaction besides its speed.The catalyst in these reactions is the triangle(heat).

Post Lab Questions
Critical Thinking: In your blog, explain how the data gathered in this lab can be used to solve crimes or convict criminals. Research the topic and use what you discovered in class to write 1-2 paragraphs on answering question. *Be sure to cite your source.
  The data gathered in this lab can be used to solve crimes in many ways. You can solve crimes by analyzing what something is composed of. For example, if you wanted to find out what exactly is in a certain drug you can use this process. You could find out what compounds it's made up of and do tests to identify what it is. If a specific color comes off, you can figure out what elements are in it. By finding out the elements the drug is composed of, you can understand the effect the drug has.